
Thursday, February 1, 2018

New Year, New Me?

Hey everyone!!

Can't believe it's February first already and practically already spring time!
Lot's of new makeup launches and cute ass clothes are about to be popping off.

So it's a new year obviously and normally I don't make New Year resolutions because I feel like it's one of those things that people don't usually want to do, they just pick something to pick something (lol) because it's just another social pressure and everyone is gonna ask what your resolution is.
That being said I'm not some sort of psycho resolution hater, if you've genuinely made a real resolution, then fuck yeah! That is awesome!!

That last time I made a New Year resolution was 8 years ago and it was to stop smoking cigarettes and guess what I haven't smoked cigarettes since.
I had decided it would be my New Year resolution and made sure to tell people, mostly to hold myself accountable but I was just so done and grossed out by my own smoking that I actually ended up quitting right before Christmas because I couldn't even wait until the New Year.
I went cold turkey and I never looked back.
Anyone ever wonder why they call it cold turkey?
I mean that sounds gross and makes me think of expired slimy deli meat..
I want to envision Thanksgiving turkey leftovers, you know beautifully sliced and perfectly roasted, something you'd see in a cooking magazine maybe.
That's just not the picture I get in my head, I swear I think of the nastiest stuff lol.
Are we far enough off track yet?
Okay so back to the story then..

So here I am 8 years later and 8 years older (holy fuck) and I've made a resolution this year, this year I've decided that I'm going to start taking better care of myself overall.
Yes, I know that sounds lame as fuck and could also mean really anything or nothing at all.
I've always made time for my skincare and makeup but I've just recently started noticing how many little things I've stopped doing for myself because I'm so busy doing so much for everyone else, things not only for my well being but little things that just made me happy.
From something as simple as lotion-ing my ENTIRE body everyday and not just rushing and only half assing my legs and arms hahaha..
to manicuring and painting my nails and actually wearing something besides leggings more often.

Even bigger than that I've started doing yoga again and have also started eating low carb.
I'm a total carb slut so it's definitely not easy but since I love to cook from scratch and already cook daily it honestly made it a shit ton easier because I'm making pizza dough, bagels, things to fill my carb loving cravings and it's been saving me from losing my shit.
Like no joke I've made pizza 3 times already, and holy fuck it's so good I can't even believe that it's low carb. i didn't even used to eat pizza this much before I went low carb lol.
None of that cauliflower pizza crust crap either lol, I mean if you like it then that's awesome but I tried it and I just can't do it.
In my defense though I've never been a fan of cauliflower which is weird because I love broccoli.

So anyways that's how my New Year has been going so far, I'm definitely getting back into my blogging, trying to make a schedule, and instead of just a beauty blog I've decided to expand to a Beauty & Lifestyle blog.
It will still be based mostly around beauty because let's face it those are my interests but this way I'll be able to incorporate a random blog (like this one) or recipe here and there without feeling as though I'm not sticking to my genre or niche as real bloggers would say.
I've even made it official and have added the word "Lifestyle" to my blog header omg omg omg.

So that's my long ass, un-needed story about switching it up a little and doing a more beauty & lifestyle blog.

If you're into beauty, honest ass opinions, and pointless rambles then I'm your girl.
Leave comments or hit me up on social media.
You could say I'm trying to be more social lol.

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All opinions are my own.
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