Friday, December 2, 2016

Blogmas Day 2 - Elizavecca Milkypiggy Hell Pore Clean Up Mask

Happy Blogmas Day 2!!

I did it!! I made it to the second day of Blogmas. Err, I mean of course I did.

It's getting cold as fuck here now and my skin is definitely getting drier,
so I've been changing up some things in my daily skin care routine and trying new stuff out.
Let's be honest I'd be trying new stuff even if my skin wasn't drying out like a raisin.

Today's post (in case you haven't guessed it) is a skin care review about the Elizavecca MilkypiggyHell Pore Clean Up Mask ($10), which has absolutely nothing to do with my drying skin (ha).
One of my friends is obsessed with K Beauty products and has kinda gotten me into it trying out some things as well. I'm not obsessed like her but I have noticed they have a lot of stuff when it comes to pore care and am slowly trying more and more K Beauty products.
I don't know about you but I'm obsessed with pore care because I'm a grease monster in my t zone and I get some kind of sick enjoyment seeing all that crap pulled out of skin (you know you like it too).
So when I found out about this mask I grabbed my phone and ordered it immediately.
Maybe a day or two after I ordered this I seen that Tati (YouTube) did a review on it.
I was like fuck man, did everyone know about this but me? She's quick, love her.

The packaging is very cutesy and colorful and although I adore simple packaging, this didn't bother me at all, besides it's what's inside that matters.
It comes in a convenient squeeze tube and the only English instructions are on the box in case you want to read that before you throw it out (am I the only one who reads the back of everything?).
The actual product itself is grainy gray, sort of resembles a sticky toothpaste but slightly runnier, and smells like strong hairspray which I strangely really like but I could see this being a problem for some.

It was extremely easy to apply, I just squirted it directly onto my foundation brush and brushed onto my cleansed skin avoiding my eyebrows (what's left of them) and my hairline.
The packaging was perfect for this method of application and was virtually mess free.
Make sure you apply in as even of a layer as you can otherwise you'll have thick spots that aren't ready while the rest is dry, crackly, and uncomfortable, even though the edges with inevitably dry first.
I love when the mask starts drying and you can literally feel your face getting tight, it's like you can feel it sucking out all the crap. My mask took about 15 minutes to completely dry but if you keep your heater on full blast all day then it'll probably go a lot faster.
(Below is a picture of me with the mask on, why? I thought it'd be a nice awkward touch and I'm a girl. Btw look how sad my eyebrows are without makeup on (*cries* baby come back))

Now the fun part.
After watching Tati's video I gotta admit I was half expecting to rip my face off along with this mask.
That didn't scare me off from buying this at all though because I have a high pain tolerance but still I was expecting it to hurt a little. Guess what? It didn't hurt AT ALL.
I also managed to get it off all in one piece because come on, that's kind of what we are aiming for right?
I've used this 4 times now no pain any of the times, which is good for those of you who might be worried about that. Just to be sure though I had my husband do this with me (without telling him it could possibly hurt like hell lol) and he had no pain whatsoever either.
If you are concerned with this being painful, I'd recommend you apply a tiny test amount on your face to see if it something you can tolerate before you go balls deep all over your face.
It basically did what I expected it to do, it was like a Biore strip for your whole face just not as good.
You could see all the sebum and crap standing like tiny little trees, as well as my plucked peach fuzz (an extra perk or scary nightmare for hairy chicks).
I do gotta say though I wished I had more clogged pores because it wasn't as satisfying as it could have been, but I guess that's actually a good thing.
It left my face feeling smooth, and ready for my face care routine especially moisturizer.
I also found it to be more gentle than I expected, especially during the peel off.
I've literally seen people rip their nose skin off with a Biore, where as this didn't seem to cling to my actual skin at all but also did not take out all my blackheads like a Biore would.
I always go in with cleansing/makeupwipe or micellar water after a peel mask to clean any residue left on my skin but that's obviously optional.
After the wipe and inspecting my face in the mirror, I did notice that although it took a lot of crap out of my face it did also leave a lot of blackheads (clogged pores) behind completely untouched.
Also the next day I had blackheads (crap in my pores) that had been pulled up to the surface of my skin but not pulled out, which created little bumps filled with gross.

Like any mask the opens up your pores like this, I would suggest you do these at night because you don't wanna pack makeup into all your freshly opened pore holes (I just had to phrase it that way lol (why am I so gross?)).

I would recommend this product to anyone who has clogged pores but if you have a severe blackhead problem I honestly don't think this would be strong enough for you.
I don't have a crap ton of blackheads and this didn't even take all of mine out, so you get the idea.
It does exactly what you would expect it to do and even though it doesn't get all the blackheads out it does a pretty decent job. 
You get a lot of product for the low price tag, and it's super easy to use (and kinda fun).
I will continue to use this weekly until it's gone but not sure if I'd repurchase this.

If you've tried this, let me know your thoughts below in the comments.
Also if you any bomb ass pore masks or blackhead products I should know about, spill it below or stalk my social media.

Products Mentioned (clickable links):

Elizavecca Milkypiggy Hell Pore Clean Up Mask

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